The magical chocolate Easter bunny

Three days before Easter my mom and I were in the supermarket, buying the Easter chocolate for my brother and me. That night, when everybody was sleeping, I heard a strange noise and went to see: it was the chocolate Easter bunny that we had bought, giving out Easter eggs.
By boum32


My dad’s CEB company was very interesting. I wondered what it meant. Maybe: COKE EATING BREAKFAST, or: COCONUT ELEPHANT BEACH. But one day, dad put some eggs in the garden, he had biiiiiig ears and a little nose. I understood that my dad was the Easter bunny! CHOCOLATE EASTER BUNNY!


This morning, I woke up, thinking of today: “EASTER”… I ran downstairs, put some shoes on and went outside. I suddenly stopped and looked at my watch: it said 5:00; I looked up and saw the weirdest thing ever: a chocolate bunny throwing sushi at a bunch of miniature skeletons.
By Squigly


  1. LITTLECAT22 wins because we didn't know what CEB means and it was funny. TWO BIG HEARTS


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