A Funny Dream - our young writers' 50-word mini sagas

Welcome to this week's mini sagas, with the title 'A Funny Dream'. This week a brother and sister team have written a mini saga together… can you guess which one?


A cloud came to visit when I was eating dinner. He asked me to play with him. I said “Yes!” We played all night: he floated me up, and then I pushed him down. He changed shape into my cloud twin. I woke up and said: “Where is my cloud?”
By Lollipop


On a Saturday night I went to bed and started dreaming about me, in my bed, dreaming. And in that dream, I dreamt about me, in my bed, dreaming, and so it continued. After a while I woke up but I didn’t know if I was still in my dream.

By boum32

The two of us were sleeping in a big bed.

We woke up in the white snow, we were very cold.

Together we built a big igloo and slept.

When we woke up there was a polar bear in our igloo!

She invited us to play with her little cubs.

By Two Big Hearts

I’m in a wonder world, where all that a normal kid like me would like: ice-cream, marshmallow, sweets; are all there floating around… Suddenly a giga-massive monster stomps along and destroys everything. And that  is the end of that world. I woke up and realized it was just a dream.
by Squigly


  1. The winner of this week is Two Big Hearts because the igloo and the polar bear were fantastic! LittleCat22

  2. Thank you very much.

    From Happy Box


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