I saw the ice cream truck...

in the swimming pool and I ate the ice cream. I got fat and I was floating. A bird landed on my belly and fell in the water. He said, ‘Help, help!’

I took him in my hands, and I said, ‘Be careful, birdy!’

He flew back to his nest.
By Marshmallow10

 …and I realised that I was in an ice cream world (child world) more precisely in an ice cream farm. Pigs, sheep, cows, chickens were eating ice cream. Further away, I saw a world, and this time it was a vegetable world (adult world). We fought against them and won!

by LittleCat22

Friends and I were cycling when, in the blink of an eye, an ice-cream truck appeared. We approached it and made our order but as soon as we finished our ice-creams, we were sucked up by the top of the truck. When we woke up, we were in ice-cream paradise.

by Boum32


Most of the children are like me: they love ice-cream, and I have a proof… Yesterday, I was coming out of school because it was my birthday; I saw the ice-cream truck and then… ALL the kids ran past me and there was no more ice-cream left for poor me…

By Squigly


I was doing my boring homework when I heard the ice-cream truck. I became really excited but then I remembered that it never stops in front of my house. I realised that I could still hear the music from my house so I peeked out of the window and saw…

By The Moonwalker
 …a naughty boy, pleading for ice-cream. Dad, the Ice-Cream Man, said no.
He hid and put on a wig and a dress.
“Could I have a strawberry ice-cream, please?”
“Yes, you asked so nicely, it’s free.”
Then the wind came, took off his wig, and his dad saw the truth!

By Lollipop
I'm spying on my father selling ice creams. Something strange happened.

A man looked hungry. It looked as if he's starving.

I looked at him closer. He's getting out of his pocket 100 euros, however the ice creams cost only 2 euros.

He ordered 50 ice creams.

He's really starving!

By Cookie.07


  1. This week's mini sagas were all amazing; but I chose littlecat22's because it was in an imaginary world that had lots of details about it.


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