Welcome to this week's mini sagas, with the title 'A Funny Dream'. This week a brother and sister team have written a mini saga together… can you guess which one? _________________________________________________________________________________ A cloud came to visit when I was eating dinner. He asked me to play with him. I said “Yes!” We played all night: he floated me up, and then I pushed him down. He changed shape into my cloud twin. I woke up and said: “Where is my cloud?” By Lollipop _____________________________________________________________________________________ On a Saturday night I went to bed and started dreaming about me, in my bed, dreaming. And in that dream, I dreamt about me, in my bed, dreaming, and so it continued. After a while I woke up but I didn’t know if I was still in my dream. By boum32 ____________________________________________________________________________________ The two of us were sleeping in a big bed. We woke u...
"Mum comes to me with a very sad face and said teddy had disappeared.
ReplyDeleteWe started looking everywhere for him until someone knocked at the door and said,
“I think this belongs to you.” he said pointing at me.
So I looked at what he was holding and find:
By Squigly
I came back and mum declared, “Tedling is missing!” I asked, “Have you looked under my bed?” She said, “Yes.” “What about my cupboard?” “I looked.” I went upstairs and saw him on my PC. I ran to him and said “Oh Tedling”. I shouted,“I found him!” “Good,” she replied.