"Oh Teddy!" The Mini-Sagas

Mum comes to me with a very sad face and says, "Teddy has disappeared!"
We start looking everywhere for him until someone knocks at the door and says,
“I think this belongs to you.” he declares, pointing at me.
So I look at what he is holding and find:


By Squigly 

In the airport shop, the panel showed my plane, arriving early! I quickly chose a teddy with a Belgium tee-shirt and ran to the Johannesburg plane…

I saw my cousin at Joburg airport, “I got you… Oh teddy!” I ran to the plane, rescued teddy and gave it to him.
By Cookie.07
I came back and mum declared, “Tedling is missing!” I asked, “Have you looked under my bed?” She said, “Yes.” “What about my cupboard?” “I looked.” I went upstairs and saw him on my PC. I ran to him and said “Oh Tedling”. I shouted,“I found him!” “Good,” she replied. 

By asus

Once a young couple with their kid were traveling to their parents’ house. When they arrived, they got out to say hello, leaving their son Teddy in the car. After a while they returned, and saw their car all scratched. They screamed “Oh Teddy!”

No-one knows how Teddy got out.

By boum32

My sister’s teddy lost an eye.  “Oh, Teddy!” My mum gave him a knitted hat, over one eye.

My sister’s teddy’s head came off. “Oh, Teddy!” My mum sewed it back, with a knitted scarf.

My sister’s teddy’s arm broke. “Oh, Teddy!” My mum found him a jacket.
By Floss!

I remember sitting on the low wall of a garage, waiting for Grandpa to refuel his Triumph. A little girl walked past with her mum, clutching a teddy. My teddy! I realised there could be two teddies the same, but I still had to go home to check. My teddy was there.
Also by Floss


  1. My favourite story was Cookie.07 because I liked the end when you save the teddy.
    by boum32


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