Knitting and crochet with Cookie.07

Has anyone already showed you how to knit? Someone showed me when I was 7. I think you can guess who showed me! It was my grandma. Knitting is really useful because you can make things with only two needles. You can make all sorts of things that you can actually use, like:

  •   hats 
  •  jumpers
  • decorations
  • mittens 
  • scarves etc

For beginners I recommend thick wool because it is easier and faster to make something. The first thing most people make is a scarf. My first creation was a scarf too. Here it is!

Once you’re getting better at it you can start making gifts for friends or family and even clothes for dolls.

As you improve your skills you can start to learn new stiches and new patterns

I also learned crochet and I made this,

What do you think I should do with it?


  1. Your knitting is beautiful! Keep encouraging others to learn to knit. Like you, I love knitting. Should I also learn to crochet?

  2. I have recently started learning to crochet. I hope my results are as good as yours!

  3. Nice work! Thanks to you, I'll try knitting this week-end. Continue your amazing knitting!!!
    By Squigly

  4. i really like your work it is beautiful carry on can you make one for me please ? from coco 2000

  5. my great grandma spends more the half of her days knitting! she has made jumpers, hats, mittens, and even a snood

  6. My great grandma showed me how to knit when I was very small; I've forgotten how to do it now, but I think that you are really good at it. from gymforeverfrance


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