Our bloggers share their mini-sagas - A BAND-AID IN MY PIZZA

On Saturday night after a party I staggered to a pizza place in a strange road, intrigued by the loud music from the band First Aid Kit. I shouted for a pepperoni pizza; after fifteen minutes my order arrived. There was no pepperoni on it but a whole first-aid kit!

From Boum32


I was watching a football game in the stadium. I picked up a piece of ravioli pizza and took my first bite. It was extremely good, I took another bite it was disgusting - I spat it out I saw a yucky band-aid! I thought it was dad’s band-aid. It was!
By Lollipop
Once,I was at school, it was lunchtime, today my lunch was made by my grandmother. I looked into it to see what she had prepared for me, and to my relief, there was a pizza. And then, I saw a band-aid in my pizza. “Well, nothing’s worse than that!”
By Squigly

I was one hour into the game when I fell off the house. I had one life left! I ordered a health pizza. I was expecting a pizza with potion inside but to my surprise I saw a handful of plasters on top! Wow! That wasn’t what I had expected.

By asus

I was chopping mozzarella for my 100th pizza. Suddenly, “OW!” I went to get a blue band-aid for my cut finger.

I took my order to the counter.

A few minutes later, a fat, bald man with scowling eyebrows came running to the counter!

“What’s this band-aid in my pizza?!”

By The Moonwalker


  1. Lollipop had a difficult choice between Squigly and The Moonwalker, but we thought there was a time mistake in Squigley's (is it once, or is it today?) so she chose The Moonwalker. He will choose the winner next week, and the title for the week after.

  2. Boum32, I loved your story. I like the way that you were drunk and that you ordered a pizza with a first aid kit on it! From the Moonwalker.


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