Next week's title - A BAND-AID IN MY PIZZA

Chosen for you by Cookie.07. Good luck!

In case you're not American or Canadian, this is what a Band Aid looks like! You can use your own word for it.
Squigly suggested the writers could add pictures to their stories. If you'd like to add a picture to your mini-saga, either from the internet or one of your own, feel free to put it in your comment or send it to your teacher. Remember not to use photos from the internet which are copyright!


  1. Hi here is my, mini saga "Once,I was at school, it was lunchtime, today my lunch was made by my grandmother. I looked into it to see what she had prepared for me, and to my relief, there was a pizza. And then, I saw a band-aid in my pizza. “Well, nothing’s worse than that!”" By Squigly

  2. I was one hour into the game when I fell off the house. I had one life
    left! I ordered a health pizza. I was expecting a pizza with potion inside but to my surprise I saw a handful of plasters on top! Wow! That wasn’t what I had expected.


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