A STRESSFUL DENTIST'S CHECK UP - this week's mini sagas by our young writers

Today I’m going to the dentist, but I hate it. When we get there, my mum says,
“Why are you scared of the dentist?” I just shrug. As we enter the dentist's office I’m petrified; and to my surprise when I come out, I’ve got a sweet in my mouth.

By Squigly

The zoo dentist was stressed. He was looking at the crocodile’s pointy teeth and the croc was smiling hungrily. They went into the dentist’s room. The dentist said, ‘Where do I need to brush his teeth?’ The zoo keeper replied, ‘At the back’. He started to brush the teeth carefully…
By Lollipop


I was in the dentist’s chair, Mum and the dentist were talking when I heard the fatal word “EXTRACTION”!
I ran to Mum. I begged her for anything except that. I put my hands together and started praying.
But actually, the dentist said that I DIDN’T need an extraction! Phew!
By The Moonwalker

Normally, I love being a dentist, but today when I entered my office and saw a green witch, I screamed and ran out! But I came back in. She had a warty nose and especially POINTY, BLACK teeth! I checked them, and was astonished to find gold, behind a molar!


I was about to take off for the moon CrcrCRcrcrCRCRcrcrcrCRCRCRcr the engines were screaming! I looked out of the window and saw a man in white, holding dental forceps running towards the rocket and shouting “STOP STOP”! He came up to me and said, “No more space travel for you!”

By asus

On Monday at 5 pm I had my dentist appointment; my fourteen brothers had been terrifying me since I had known about it. I arrived on Monday, but the dentist was running an hour late – more stress! The hour passed… the dentist asked me to open my mouth. I fainted!
By boum32


  1. I especially liked three of these: asus, cookie.07 and lollipop, but I chose lollipop's because I think it was really original. From The Moonwalker

  2. Boum 32, I was imagining 13 bedrooms for the 14 brothers! It would be hard to go upstairs to brush your teeth and then go down again to your bedroom. From Lollipop


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