This week's mini sagas - THE DINOSAURS ARE BACK!

“It’s hot!” declared granny, heading to the forest glade. We were cutting plants with a machete, we could barely walk through the high vegetation! Granny slid open the curtain of leaves in front of us. We saw a dinosaur family in the clearing. She took photos and we walked away…
By Cookie.07

“It’s 8:30 on TSB RADIO. The English football team has…”



“Oh noooooooo!”

 “What is happening?”

“Listeners we are going to tell you extremely important news! Dinosaurs are back! We have just seen hundreds of diplodocus pass only a few meters from the station.”
By The Moonwalker

I was eating a sandwich in bed when I heard a crash! I was scared to see an enormous foot on my bed, just in the middle. I screamed, I saw him… the dinosaur. He had pointy teeth, a scary mouth and spikes on his back. He ate my roof!
By Lollipop
I’m running in the jungle with three dinosaurs behind me. I suddenly have an idea; there’s a small bridge that wouldn’t support the dinosaurs' weight. So I start running across the bridge and just as I reach the other side I hear “ROAR,” as they fall in the massive hole.
By Squigly
I was on a hill walk and I heard heavy footsteps. I turned and saw a T-Rex!
I knew that I had to stay still. Suddenly I saw lots of different dinosaurs! I was very scared. I ran to grandpa’s and then I woke up in bed. What a dream.
By asus

My time machine is 7.46 miles away. Though I was sure that I parked at a safe spot, my security camera just showed me a bunch of dinosaurs in the machine. I thought they weren’t intelligent but I just saw my time machine disappear. I guess the dinosaurs are back!
By boum32


  1. They are all brillant. My favorite was our newest writer the moonwalker, because it is normal at the start and got exited in the middle and the end is tense.

  2. My brain is spinning. Like after watching the movie Inception. "Boom boom," " time machine disappear..." when living in the time of the dinosaurs. OHHHH. What happens if you get stuck in their era? Or is this our era? Or...

  3. I was surprised that asus woke up - I didn't expect it to be a dream! That was clever. From The Moonwalker

  4. Super story Moonwalker :) from Lollipop

  5. I liked all of them but especially the moonwalker's, lollipops, and squigly but ass you all know I have to make a choice so I choose the moonwalker because I liked that it was more and more dramatic
    from Boum32


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