This week's mini sagas, with the title MY FRIEND, THE BEAR

My story starts in a coca cola bar, the name of the bar is Drink Coca Cola All Your Life. This bear drinking coca cola is the boss of the bar: his name is Cofa. He lives here and drinks only here. I have to go, to drink coca cola!
by coco2000

Suddenly a huge bear’s head popped out in front of me! It seemed very curious. I was scared, but it didn’t look threatening. I got off the bench and he jumped off the tree. I touched him softly and ran away; he ran after me. We ended up playing tag!



This morning, I saw a sad, pink, blue and white bear. I said, “Are you sad?”


“Come with me.”

He saw lots of bears but he hated them because they teased him, so I said, “Do you want to be my friend?” “Yes I do.” He was happy again.



I was walking in the heart of the Amazon. Suddenly I heard the leaves cracking! I saw a bear! I was scared but the bear came and cuddled me, then he brought me to his house and made me some tea! Then we had dinner. It was a friendly bear.

"On a sunny afternoon, I was walking down a footpath; suddenly I heard a ROAR; I turned round and I saw a bush moving. And before I could even hide, a bear came out of it and he said hello so then we started chatting and a long friendship began!!!"

by Squigly
As I walked through the branchless trees, I saw an empty cave. I looked and I saw only food. I heard footsteps becoming louder and louder, I hid behind a bush and saw a bear. I asked if he was lonely, he replied in sign language. I understood, and stayed.
by Nintendo Expert
Brilliant stories it is the biggest number of mini sagas we have ever had


  1. What en enjoyable read, such imagination, bravo everyone! Please write more stories for us, we loved them!!

  2. These are all great stories. I love some of the openers that really hook the reader and set the atmophere of the story. I particularly like "As I walked through the branchless trees" .... and "I was walking in the heart of the Amazon". Keep it up writers!

  3. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
    Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
    Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?

    Fuzzy Wuzzy was bald as could be.
    Alopecia areata was his "maladie".
    But he's my friend and will always be.

  4. Lovely reads, looking forward to the next episodes.

  5. This week's mini sagas were all good especially coco2000's and asus' . I liked coco2000's story beginning because it is very unusual and makes people want to read more of the story; however I nominate asus' mini saga as the best story beginning because it is very mysterious, interesting and engaging.


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