Slime is a danger

Slime is  very toxic it has borax . Borax is a cleaning product . DO you play with cleaning products? No ! The cleaning products can make you  very sick . DO you want to be sick! NO. If you don't agree with my post it's not a problem. I know a lot of people like to play with slime but it can be very dangerous. Thank you for reading my post. Goodbye. from coco2000


  1. Hello it is good to think about dangers and there are some slimes that do not have borax in them.

  2. Hi, I totally agree with you and slime you can get in supermarkets doesn't have borax in it; compared to home made slime. You might want to look in "Science et Vie junior" to find out more!

    1. I love science et vie junior I read it in a library. From coco2000


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