Footprints in the Snow – An action thriller from our newest writer, Nintendo Expert

Footprints in the Snow

A mysterious voyager entered the Valley of Ten Mountains. Mark was his name, and he saw a sign saying: “At nightfall, creatures come”. He didn’t care so he walked to the inn.

Mark went outside till he found footprints that were very familiar, so he took his scanner to scan the footprints. Sadly, it auto-shutdown. Mark shrugged and followed the footprints.

The footprints led to a mountain where he had to climb. Night came so Mark came down the mountain and saw a tonne of fog and heard howling. Mark saw green eyes circling him, one came from behind him so he quickly turned to punch it and realised how hard it was. It wasn’t a creature, it was an animatronic! Mark had an idea but he was not sure if it would work: “Look over there, a distraction!” The animatronic followed his hand. Mark ran and hid behind a bush.

Mark woke very early in the morning and was so cold he did some jogging before going home. He got his climbing equipment and climbed the mountain. Climbing so high, he saw an ocean of clouds. He looked around him and saw a little antenna from a radio station. He followed the antenna but took a wrong step and rolled down the mountain. He climbed it again but this time he used night vision goggles and jumped onto the building and realised it was a lab.

Peeking through the window he saw someone repairing animatronics. He saw his hair, like an Albert Einstein hairstyle, and realised it was his brother Judge! He called the police to join him but walking only, so that Judge wouldn’t get warned the police were coming. This was the perfect plan for a surprise attack.

They opened the door slowly and hid in different places in the lab. “When he sends the signal, everyone will jump on him,’ said Officer 1.

His brother, Judge, knew that there were people, and put a hologram. Mark gave the signal, everyone jumped on the hologram! All of a sudden there were loudspeakers saying: “Well, well, well, if it isn’t my brother Mark!” (Speaker screeching.)
Judge popped up behind Mark: “Mwahahahaha!” Judge whistled, calling a robot albatross, escaped on his flying robot, and flew away.
Mark yelled: “I will find you and put you behind bars!”


  1. <<<<gosh, what an exciting story. You kept me guessing about what was going to happen next. Mark is a real action man, isn't he?

  2. It is a good and exciting story . Can you please tell me what animatronics are?

  3. I love the idea of animatronics. I really like your story it was super-cool. From coco2000

    1. Thanks! The reason why I chose animatronics is, first, they add a great twist to the story and second, they are a personal interest of mine. Nintendo Expert

  4. how did he know that the mist weighed a tonne?
    from lord_Dragon_386


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