100 people online video game

Fortnite Battle Royale is a video game where you and your team are against 100 players and it is the survival  of the fittest, meaning the most strategic and strongest player wins. You can buy skins (what your character looks like) with tokens and those tokens you can win in rounds or by buying them in the market. The point of the game is to win by picking up weapons and ammo. Once you have all of that you must eliminate every player that you meet before the other players that are behind their screens eliminate you (or your team).

You need to be 12 plus to play the game and you can play it on a computer (it must be powerful), PS4, Xbox and it is coming soon on Nintendo Switch. I play the game myself and I love it because there is action and you can build in the game too so it makes it more interesting.
From Boum32


  1. Interesting. I had never heard of Fortnite Battle Royale, but I do know of some other games that can be played with others (Minecraft comes to mind). Actually, some of my favourite games are very basic ones. I used to play this using an old-fashioned floppy disk over 30 years ago... but now you can find it on the web. It's called Lode Runner. :-) Here's the link if you're curious: http://loderunnerwebgame.com/game/

  2. PUBG is better!
    from lord_Dragon_386

  3. I haven't understood what you mean by "build". Could you explain please?
    From Squigly


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