ELF news - Problem Saône!

Hello from coco 2000 professional journalist at your service. 
We are going to talk about the Saône which has flooded. Look at the pictures of Neuville-sur-Saône. If you look on Google Earth you will see where the water usually stops. Now the water is at a very high level.
My rugby club has a very big problem - there is 50cm of water over all the pitch!

If you want more information stay on this site - ELF - we're going to tell you more on Monday!

Now the weather from coco 2000, professional weather forecaster...

"Hello! It's sunny and it will be sunny all day!"

Bye! See you on Monday.


  1. Hi it's Viking 2001! I agree with coco 2000 that the flooding is really inconvenient and dangerous for some. The roads are completely flooded next to my sisters' school and I hope that it's going to go down fast. I like your article because it warns people about danger.

  2. Hi coco 2000! I enjoyed reading your article, and it reminded me of my daughter's road bike outing with her triathlon teammates yesterday. A couple of the boys tried to ride through the water along the Saône... that was a bad idea! They had to get their bikes out of there pretty fast!

  3. Very interesting report, informative and nicely written, well done 😀

  4. Hi Coco 2000, it reminds me of when I visited with my son quite a number of years ago now, it was flooded then and we couldn't visit half the sites we wanted to. Plus it rained ALL day really hard while we were there. Serenata.

  5. Maybe you rugby players could invent a new game with the water. Stone skipping? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5JQ5tzG0P4

  6. Hi it's boum32 I'm surprised that you have too much water because in South Africa where I used to live they don't have any more water.

  7. If only they could get the spare water from France to South Africa


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