Coding, Starting from Scratch by lord_Dragon_386
You may think that coding is hard and for specialists but you're wrong. Anyone can learn to code. Scratch is an ideal programming language to start with. It's like writing instructions that the computer will understand. It is easy to use because you don't need to write the code; pre-made blocks are already there to help you. The pre-made blocks are easy to understand because they are written in plain English. You can connect them to create a piece of code which will later be executed by the computer. For example when you assemble these blocks the computer will wait until you start the program to show a speech bubble which says: 'hello world'. You can choose blocks through a large selection called 'script library'. The blocks are classed in different sections called: motion, looks, sound, pen, data, events, control, sensing, operators and more blocks. You can drag them into the 'script area' (area for pieces of code) and then assemble them...